Volume 12 (2020–2022)
William Butcher : Editorial - La Fin de l'histoire ? (p. i-iv)
William Butcher : Editorial - The end of his( s)tory? (p. v-viii)
William Butcher : Hong Kong in the First Manuscript of Around the World: Wherein Phileas Fogg declares
his love, is detained by the police and marries Aouda (p. 1-12)
Jean-André G. Vlachos : Jules Verne et l'Odyssée ou : La Revanche de Polyphème (p. 13-56)
Bruno Rego : From Paris in the 20th Century to Lisbon (and Paris) in the 21st Century: the “Monotonization
of the world” in the idea and space of the contemporary city (p. 57-70)
Critiques et compte-rendus
Tad Davis : Butcher's Jules Verne (p. 71-80)
[Butcher, William. Jules Verne. The Biography. Read by Simon Vance, Unabridged 10 CDs. Carol Stream, IL, Oasis Audio, 2020.
Alex Kirstukas : Travels and Travails with the Big Three (p. 81-86)
[Verne, Jules. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. Translated by James Reeves. New York: Vintage Books, 2011.
[Verne, Jules. Journey to the Center of the Earth. Translated by Joyce Gard. New York: Vintage Books, 2011.
[Verne, Jules. Around the World in Eighty Days. Translated by Timothy Martin. London: Usborne Publishing, 2017.]
Ariel Pérez Rodríguez : A propos de Jules Verne et l'ésotérisme (p. 87-92)
[Parada-Ramirez, José Gregorio. Le Grand secret maçonnique de Jules Verne. Balma, Editions
Hermésia, 2021. ISBN 979-1-09-487729-6.
William Butcher : Some Light Reading for the Winter Nights (P. 93-96)
[Gómez Paz, Guillermo. Las Claves de Julio Verne: La novela [de aventuras] de nueva
forma. Bogotá (Colombia), eLibros, 2020. ISBN 978-9585277687.]
[Dusseau, Joëlle. Jules Verne. La Crèche (Deux Sèvres), La Geste, 2021. ISBN 979-1035309855.]
[Allard, Nicolas. Les Mondes extraordinaires de Jules Verne: Aux origines de la pop culture et de la
science-fiction. Armand Colin, 2021. 978-2200631369.]
Ressources additionnelles
Couverture, page de titre et tables des matières pour impression (6 pages)
Volume complet pour impression (102 pages)
Comité de rédaction